Key Information
Who can apply for a FFC Grant?
People who have cancer and are on low income with little savings.
Patients of all ages
People who have previously had cancer and are now suffering from cancer-related disabilities.
Grant Details
FFC have limited funds available, and the majority of grants are small.
All grant applications are considered, and FFC will help where they can.
Grants are limited to 1 per person; this will ensure that we help as many people as possible.
Financial Information
All applications are means-tested; this ensures that grants are given to people who require them the most. To be eligible for an FFC Grant, you must fall within the criteria below:
Live in the PO, SO or BH postcode.
Have lived in the area for over five years. If now living outside this area, evidence such as a supporting letter or evidence of a utility bill/council tax is required.
Have savings under £6000 if single, or £8000 as a couple or family
Your household disposable income per week after Mortgage, Rent & Council Tax is under:
• £320.00 for a single person
• £440.00 per couple
• £100.00 per child (Family)
• £170 for each additional adult working (only when their income is relevant to the request)
How is a successful grant issued?
If your grant application succeeds, the money will be sent directly to the patient via bank transfer. If the grant is for a person under 18, the money will be payable to the parent or guardian.
Apply for a grant
Please complete this short form to download an FFC grant application document. You must print this document out and fill in all the relevant sections. Once completed, you can return the form to Friends Fighting Cancer, 48B High St, Cosham, Portsmouth PO6 3AG. If you have any questions or need any help please email us.